I know, I know. It's been awhile but I've been busy. I haven't had my guitar amp for a couple weeks and hopefully I'll be getting it back tomorrow. I've been working on new stuff, nothing impressive, maybe if I get my act together I can upload some more squeaks and squeals soon.
New layout, huzzah! Finally looks like a real blog now, I'm sure there are still some kinks to fix though. I think it looks a lot better.
As for all the painting and plastic and building and plastic and cutting and building and...I've done nothing...nada! Oooh, wait. I just bought EIGHTEEN new kits. Why?!?!? Because there was a giant sale, that's why. That puts the total kits I have yet to start up to thirty-one. I have four or five in progress. I don't think this is ever gonna end. Ever.
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